LUMA Days 5 - Recompose: Roadmap for possible worlds
La Grande Halle
Questions of how to restart our society are multiplying generated by the instability of the past twelve months. However, what does it mean to relaunch the economic machine? Does it imply pursuing infinite growth in a finite world at all costs? In this context, the notion of recomposition is to be conceived as an alternative to that of a relaunch. Thus, LUMA Days invites artists, thinkers, scientists, and the public to discuss the concept of recomposition ; to propose ideas about the future, and to create new narratives and new forms of exchange.
In this process of recomposition, what could be the tools to access resources in a sustainable manner? How do we recompose with new ideas, new goals, and new beliefs when all possible reference systems have changed dramatically? In a connected world, how do we redefine our responsibilities, whether ethical, social, or environmental, when it comes to ecological and socio-political questions?
Recomposition is a process of change. It can be an affirmative process when the decomposition of one element nourishes the enrichment of the other. At a moment of rupture of a fragile world, LUMA Days through Recompose will encompass intersecting cultural horizons, forking paths and diachronic movement across seemingly incommensurable ways of living, to support the re-invention of expanded fields of inquiry.
Thursday, September 16th
What resources are available and will help to define the development of a sustainable territory? Here is the question which frames the debate on the first day of LUMA Days devoted to local territorial development.
9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Territorial Development - by invitation only
The aim is to draw up an inventory of existing resources, whether material, financial, cultural, and human, considering a collective desire to enhance available local wealth and trying to balance between economic, ecological, and social imperatives.
Public conferences
The afternoon program will feature a collective review of the important points of the day, followed by a presentation of case studies, a conference and a round table to tackle the pressing issue of extractivism.
6:00 pm - 6:15 pm
An interactive and experimental writers’ residency will present a review of the day of Territorial Development. Inspired by the content of the conferences and workshops as well as the personalities of the LUMA Days speakers, four invited authors will develop live, in different literary genres (short story, theater play, anticipation, thriller), a series of short fictions.
By Silvie Aries Writer,
Joël Rumello Writer,
Laetitia Sariroglou, Journalist, Writer,
Philippe Thuru, Writer
Reading by Claude Lecat
6:15 pm - 6:30 pm
Case study: Role reversal in the use of resources: an Egyptian perspective
With: Lina Alorabi, Founder The New Egyptian
6:35 pm - 6:45 pm
With: Philippe Bihouix, Director general of AREP
6:45 pm - 7:00 pm
Conference: Geopolitics of rare metals
With: Guillaume Pitron, Investigative journalist
7:00 pm - 7:20 pm
Conference: Energy: a story without transition
With: Jean-Baptiste Fressoz, Historian of science, technology and the environment
7:20 pm - 8:00 pm
Round table: Recompose, with what resources?
With: Jean-Baptiste Fressoz, Historian of science, technology and the environment
Guillaume Pitron, Investigative journalist
Philippe Bihouix, Director General of AREP
Moderated by: Maria Finders, Co-curator, LUMA Days
Friday, September 17th
The definition and transmission of knowledge are mutating. How can knowledge be shared today, beyond classical pedagogical concerns, within the context of the generalization of distance education, the disruption of existing structures caused by the emergence of artificial intelligence or the development of continuing education throughout one’s professional life? Thus, recomposing the transmission of knowledge first requires rethinking within this new context. Discussions on horizontal rather than vertical transmission of knowledge continue to occupy an important part of the deliberations about pedagogy. However, how can such modes of transmission be reconciled with the reliability of information in the age of fake news?
9:00 am - 9:45 am
The Library is on Fire - by invitation only
With: Charles Arsène-Henry, Researcher,
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Artist
La Tour, level 3
An experimental library that follows the adventures of a creature looking for the form of its intelligence. A metafiction created and written by Charles Ars.ne-Henry in a space conceived with Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster and Martial Galfione, the library develops a research program through the depths of its bibliographies: to compose an unknown reading instrument.
10:00 am - 10:30 am
LUMA Days Introduction
Maja Hoffmann, Founder, LUMA
Conference: For a New Geography
For a New Geography
With Grégory Quenet, Environmental Historian
10:30 am - 11:00 am
Presentation: La Plateforme, a Digital School in Marseille
With Cyril Zimmermann, digital economy entrepreneur, President of La Plateforme
11:15 am - 11:45 am
Conversation: School of Mutants: University of African Futures
With: Olivia Anani, Co-director of Africa + Modern and Contemporary Art Department, Piasa
Hamedine Kane, Director, artist
Stéphane Verlet-Bottéro, Artist, environmental engineer, curator
11:45 am - 12:30 pm
Conversation with Sara Sadik : Les Vaillants
With: Sara Sadik, Artist
Malaa, Rapper
Julie Boukobza, Head of Residency Program, LUMA Arles
2:30 pm - 2:50 pm
Conference: Exploring educational controversies from high-school to higher education
With: Nicolas Benvegnu, Director of the METIS program, Sciences Po
2:50 pm - 3:10 pm
Case study: Circular Economy Startups: Opportunities, Challenges and Needs - Examples from Egypt
With: Heba Labib, Director Centre for Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Competitiveness, Nile University, Egypt
3:10 pm - 5:15 pm
The rural world; site and model for knowledge sharing
● Conversation
With: Jean Rakovitch, Director of Domaine du Possible School
Emilie Rousselou, Director of the Domaine du Possible University and founder of Rainbow Spiruline farm
● Interview
With: Gianfranco Baruchello, Artist, farmer
Moderated by: Hans Ulrich Obrist, Senior advisor, LUMA Arles
● Conversation
With: Maurizio Rossi, Co-founder of H-FARM and president of H for Human Foundation
Audrey Bourolleau, Founder of Campus HECTAR
Moderated by: Nicolas Benvegnu, Director of the METIS program, Sciences Po
9:00 pm - 10:30 pm
Cinema screening
A proposal by Jean-Michel Frodon, Film critic and historian, former head of Cahiers du cinéma, teacher at Sciences Po
Rasha Salti, Independent curator and programmer, and head of “La Lucarne” on Arte.
Kongo by Hadrien La Vapeur and Corto Vaclav (Congo-Brazzaville) 70’ (Laari and French, French subtitles)
In Brazzaville, the apostle Médard, a charismatic healer, is accused of practicing black magic. The backdrop is the unabated exploitation of Chinese capitalists destroying the environment where tradition appears as a form of resistance.
Saturday, September 18th
Questions about how to inhabit the world today are becoming particularly pressing. These concerns lead to a set of considerations on ways of worldmaking, welcoming different concepts of the relationship between humans and their environment. To admit that there can be several worlds is to accept that our representations of one world can change, and that consequently possible actions within it can be modified accordingly. As anthropologist Philippe Descola asserts, at the end of his anthropological research "we only see what we have learned to see". This day will try to explore, through interventions by anthropologists, physicists, artists, and philosophers, multiple ways to construct these plural worlds.
10:00 am - 10:30 am
Reading & interview: “Remember: An Opening Oracle”
With: Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Artist
Moderated by: Hans Ulrich Obrist, Senior advisor, LUMA Arles
10:30 am - 11:00 am
Conference: “L’autre de la pensée”
With: Manthia Diawara, Writer, Film maker
11:00 am - 11:30 am
Conference: The forms of the visible
With: Philippe Descola, Anthropologist
11:30 am - 12:00 pm
Conference: Documenting Anthropology: a Political Question
With: Nastassja Martin, Anthropologist
12:00 pm - 12:45 pm
Conversation: Recompose worlds
With: Eliza Levy, Film director
Philippe Descola, Anthropologist
Nastassja Martin, Anthropologist
Moderated by: Martin Guinard, Co-curator, LUMA Days
2:00 pm - 2:15 pm
Cinema screening: Mass, by June Balthazard & Pierre Pauze - 17’
2:15 pm - 2:45 pm
Conversation: What world? At what scale?
With: June Balthazard, Artist
Pierre Pauze, Artist
Chiara Mariotti, CERN particle physicist
Moderated by: Hans Ulrich Obrist, Senior advisor, LUMA Arles
2:45 pm - 3:00 pm
Presentation: Real worlds / Virtual worlds
With: Daniel Birnbaum, Director and Curator, Acute Art
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Roundtable: Recovery / Relaunch
With: AOC Critical Opinion Analysis
Laurent Fonbaustier, Environmental law scholar
Philippe Rahm, Architect
Hélène Tordjman, Economist
François Vatin, Sociologist
Moderated by Sylvain Bourneau, Direrctor of AOC Média
4:00 pm - 4:45 pm
Book Launch: LUMA ABCD
With: Maja Hoffmann, founder, LUMA
Vassilis Oikonomopoulos, Director of exhibitions and programs, LUMA Arles
Tom Eccles, Senior advisor, LUMA Arles
Hans Ulrich Obrist, Senior advisor, LUMA Arles
07:00 pm - 00:30 am
With : Caribou, Oboy, Myd, Crystal Murray, Dj Oil