Sky Hopinka: maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore
Conversation followed by a screening session
La Grande Halle
As part of the exhibition The sun comes in whenever it wants, LUMA Arles presents maɬni – towards the ocean, towards the shore, Sky Hopinka’s first feature film. The screening will be preceded by a conversation with the artist and Diana Flores Ruíz, Assistant Professor Cinema & Media Studies (Washington, Seattle).
maɬni is an experimental and poetic documentary, which follows two young Native Americans from the Pacific Northwest, Sweetwater Sahme and Jordan Mercier. In front of Sky Hopinka's camera, they share, in English and Chinuk Wawa, their wonderings about their American life in relation to their indigenous identity. Contemplative and meditative, the film captures the rhythm of natural elements such as water and intertwines with Chinook myths about the cycles of life and death. In a beautiful photography, maɬni provides a crucial insight at contemporary indigenous life.
Practical infos:
Date: Sunday, July 3, 2022
Conversation hours: From 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Projection hours: From 10:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Price: Free
N.B. The discussion will take place in English and will be translated into French simultaneously. The film will be subtitled in English only.
Sky Hopinka
Sky Hopinka (Ho-Chunk Nation/Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians) was born and raised in Ferndale, Washington. In Portland he studied and taught chinuk wawa, a language indigenous to the Lower Columbia River Basin. His video, photo, and text work centers around personal positions of Indigenous homeland and landscape, designs of language as containers of culture expressed through personal, documentary, and non fiction forms of media. He currently teaches at Bard College in Film and Electronic Arts. Currently on view at LUMA Arles, his first institutional exhibition in Europe The sun comes in whenever it wants will be open until October 31st.
Diana Flores Ruíz
Diana Flores Ruíz, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor in Cinema & Media Studies at the University of Washington, Seattle, where she teaches courses on race and media in the US. Dr. Ruíz’s research and writing examine how popular media and surveillance technologies coproduce visual infrastructures of racialized violence, as well as the ways in which artist and activist mediations propose alternative forms of safety, survival, and sovereignty. Her essay on Sky Hopinka “Visiting: Towards Ethical Forms of Encounter” will be published in the exhibition catalog The sun comes in whenever it wants at the fall 2022.