Pipilotti Rist
Pipilotti combined her childhood nick-name, Lotti, with the first name of the Swedish children’s story character Pippi Longstocking to create her artistic moniker under which she’s be-come renowned on the world art scene as the fairy godmother of video art. But her mischie-vous and playful artistic demeanour evokes the image of a mermaid or a water nymph more readily than that of a good fairy. Her works are in constant flux, borrowing a liquid form that renders them sparkling and elusive, dreamlike and mercurial. Indeed, Pipilotti Rist, whose very first films were influenced by Dada and Fluxus performers and pioneers of video art such as Vito Acconci, Bruce Nauman, Yoko Ono and Nam June Paik, has since proven by example that video art is not necessarily an exercise in black and white cerebral asceticism. It can also exist in a sensual, warm and burlesque humor-ous light. With their pop soundtracks, psyche-delic colours, inquisitive and up-close camera work, Rist’s videos have enchanted diverse audi-ences around the world, making her a star re-vered far beyond the world of contemporary art.
- Videos with
- Pipilotti Rist2