09.17.2021 - Recompose the Transmission of Knowledge
Friday, 17th September 2021
The definition and transmission of knowledge are mutating. How can knowledge be shared today, beyond classical pedagogical concerns, within the context of the generalization of distance education, the disruption of existing structures caused by the emergence of artificial intelligence or the development of continuing education throughout one’s professional life? Thus, recomposing the transmission of knowledge first requires rethinking within this new context. Discussions on horizontal rather than vertical transmission of knowledge continue to occupy an important part of the deliberations about pedagogy. However, how can such modes of transmission be reconciled with the reliability of information in the age of fake news?
- Videos10
LUMA Days introduction
by Maja Hoffmann -
Conference: For a New Geography
Grégory Quenet -
Presentation: La Plateforme_, a Digital School in Marseille
Cyril Zimmermann -
Conversation: School of Mutants : University of African Future
Hamedine Kane, Stéphane Verlet, Olivia Anani -
Conversation with Sara Sadik: Les Vaillants
with Malaa and Julie Boukobza -
Conference: Exploring Educational Controversies from High-School to Higher Education
Nicolas Benvegnu -
Case study: Circular Economy Startups: Opportunities, Challenges and Needs - Examples from Egypt
Heba Labib -
Conversation: The Rural World: Site and Model for Knowledge Sharing - Domaine du Possible School
The Rural World; Site and Model for Knowledge Sharing
Gianfranco Baruchello -
Conversation: The rural world; site and model for knowledge sharing