Pixel Forest

An installation by Pipilotti Rist

Duration 47s
Director(s)  Victor & Simon
Participant(s)  Pipilotti Rist
Year  2018

Pixel Forest is an outstanding work. 3000 LEDs are suspended from cables and enveloped in shells, each one slightly different from the others. Traversing the room gives the impression of navigating a path through a jungle of dangling vines, or seen from below, an ocean of giant sea grasses, their stems dotted with oxygen bubbles.

The colour and light intensity of each diode is controlled individually, as if it were a specific pixel on a screen. The music of Anders Guggisberg and Heinz Rohrer creates a swathe of brightly pulsating hypnotic layers.

This exhibition was presented in Summer 2018.

Associated tags

Art Lumiere Exposition Musique 2018

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